Theron Frazier

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Theron Frazier has a 22-year career in Business Management and Network Engineering as well as dual Cisco Certifications and a Bachelors in Network Administration were he graduated Summa Cum Laude. He is also a Real Estate Agent in the Atlanta area where he is the owner of TGF investments LLC.

Theron deeply cares about his community and family. He is married with 4 children, 3 teenage boys and a young daughter. After the death of George Floyd, Theron waned to do something to change what is going on in the black community and wanted to find a way to bring attention to all the issues the community is facing. His first thought was to run for public office but felt that would take too long to make an effective change now and it would not reach the audience he wanted to reach. So he decided to launch this podcast. Hoping that it would reach people across the country and around world, these conversations share knowledge and experiences from the black community to everyone.